Practical Tips for Keeping a Journal

Self-care and personal development are always hot topics at the beginning of the new year. But if you don’t have any resolutions or intentions for the year, keeping a journal can be a great way to organize your thoughts, plan ahead, and keep track of your commitments.

Health Benefits of Journaling

Studies show that regular journaling can actually help manage anxiety and reduce stress by providing a healthy outlet for expression. It can also help: 

  • Plan your day

  • Prioritize your tasks and commitments 

  • Keep track of your wins and accomplishments

  • Identify bad habits and behaviors you want to avoid

Additionally, the Mayo Clinic says expressing gratitude might actually help improve mood, sleep, and immunity. 

Getting Started

But how do you get started? Here are some practical tips on how to start journaling for those who aren’t natural-born writers and list makers. 

Do It Your Way

Rule 1: There are no rules! You can keep a lined notebook, a dot/bullet journal, or just notes in an app on your phone. You can even keep a photo journal. While there are some practical tips for journaling that will help you stay committed and interested, the main idea is to find a way to record your thoughts, experiences, and feelings in whatever way makes the most sense for you. 

Keep Your Expectations Realistic

Journaling isn’t going to transform your life in one day. You’re not going to have profound revelations every time you sit down to write. If you don’t feel inspired or thoughtful, just take five minutes to sit down and gather your thoughts or make a to-do list.

Try a Change of Venue

Changing your surroundings can help clear your head. Dee at Vanilla Papers says, “A different setting gets my senses going and inspires thoughts.” If you live at The Pointe - Hilliard, apartments for rent in Hilliard you’ll have a spacious, open-concept apartment with a private patio or balcony and plenty of space for a desk, home office, or just a cozy nook for reading and writing. 

Make it Fun

This may seem trivial, but using pretty paper, good pens, and washi tape in fun colors could be just the small touch that makes the practice of journaling something you’ll look forward to. This blog post lists a huge array of gel pens, brush pens, markers, highlighters, and fineliners you might want to try, but the key is to find something that works for you. 

Journaling Prompts

Writer’s block? Here are some ideas for those days when you’re not feeling very prolific.

  • Write a letter to someone 

  • Write down the lyrics to the song that’s in your head right now

  • Make a to-do list

  • What’s something bothering you?

  • What’s something you’re grateful for?

  • Describe your dream job

  • Write down something you’ve been putting off

  • Describe the best characteristics and traits you admire in your friends and peers

  • What keeps you up at night? 

  • Where would you like to go on your next vacation? 

Hoping to make even bigger changes this year? If you’re looking for a fresh start, take a tour of our studio, one, two, or three-bedroom Hilliard apartments with luxury amenities and plenty of space for thoughtful reflection. Call our leasing office today at (614) 344-1817.

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