Spring Cleaning

A low-key spring cleaning you can finish today 

Work, social commitments, and other obligations often make it difficult to keep your apartment as glistening and fresh as the day you moved in. That’s why spring cleaning can be the perfect reset. It’s a great time to assess what areas you might have neglected over the winter, and what chores will keep your home feeling - and smelling - like new. 

Before you start, it might make sense to set a goal for the areas you definitely want to tackle during your spring cleaning day. If you live in a place that’s new like The Pointe - Hilliard apartments, you’ll find they are much easier to clean than older units. 

If you’re not the spring cleaning type, not to worry! Here are some basic things you can do to freshen up your space that can be accomplished in just a day and have you back to your life before dinner. Pro-tip: it’s a lot of fun to do this type of cleaning on a day when it’s warm enough to open some windows so that the fresh breeze and warm sunshine contribute to the feeling of renewal. 

In the Kitchen 

  • Wipe down light fixtures, surfaces, windows, and appliances.

  • You don’t have to pull out the appliances, but using a vacuum attachment to get into the corners, underneath the stove, dishwasher, and refrigerator can accomplish a lot.

  • For your vinyl plank flooring, dampen your mop or a rag with some hot water and a splash of distilled white vinegar to lift dirt, residue and stickiness without leaving behind excess water or soap that can attract more grime. 

  • Take everything off your countertops and wipe them down with disinfectant wipes or a mixture of hot water and vinegar. This is also a great opportunity to get rid of the junk mail and miscellaneous paperwork that tends to accumulate in the kitchen. 

Home office/living space

  • Remove all cushion covers that are machine-washable and throw them in with your laundry (noting care instructions, of course). For other rugs and upholstery, you can use a multi-surface sanitizing spray. Leather can be wiped down with a damp cloth.

  • Keep that vacuum attachment handy for those furniture crevices where dust and crumbs love to take refuge!

  • Research by University of Arizona microbiologists found that the average desktop can support 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat, so be sure to disinfect those mouse pads, keyboards, remote controls, and other devices.


  • Speaking of toilet seats, be sure to give yours a once-over with disinfecting spray or wipes!

  • Give your bathroom floors the vinegar treatment as well. Soaking your faucet and showerheads in a vinegar solution is a great way to remove minerals and hard water stains that can build up.

  • Wipe down mirrors and other glass with vinegar solution or glass cleaner. 


  • Some people wait until there’s no longer a risk for a late freeze to switch out their winter flannels for lighter bedding, so if you haven’t done that yet, it’s probably safe to do it now. (But don’t hold us to that!) Wash and fold your winter sheets before storing them, and consider a vacuum seal storage bag to save space and prevent dust build-up. You might also want to develop a similar strategy for switching out your winter and summer wardrobe. 

Throughout the house 

  • Declutter! Instead of picking up those unused odds and ends just to dust underneath them, put them away or get them out of your home for good. Organize the books and magazines that have accumulated around your apartment throughout the year. Make piles of items to put away in their proper place, throw away, or donate. 

  • Dust your baseboards, corners, fans, glass, windowsills, and wall decor. 

  • Disinfect all of your handles, switches, lamps, and doorknobs.

  • Get underneath and behind furniture with that vacuum attachment. 

You now know what it takes to accomplish a decent amount of spring cleaning in just one day. Our Hilliard, OH apartments for rent are brand new and designed with busy lifestyles in mind. We provide amenities such as vinyl plank flooring, stainless steel appliances, and granite countertops that are modern, attractive, and best of all, easy to clean. If you’re ready to learn more about this community, call us at (614) 344-1817 for a tour today. 

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